I thought it all went together perfectly.
I've read some of your critics critiques, but I don't see what they're getting at. I thought it was very well put-together. What some seem to be criticising as "poor quality" I see more as simply a style of animation. If you can draw as well as you can in this toon, I'm sure you can draw more realistic and lifelike pics if you really wanted to. But for this flash, that's not what you were shooting for - that's just my guess, though. I think it worked perfectly. It didn't strike me in such a way as to make me want to cry, though - I do have to agree with that. But I could see the sadness in it, and it most definitely seems to pose a "question" of sorts - an unasked question we can all only answer in our own hearts and minds, in that place that nobody else can see but us and the eye of the universe, itself. The tears, if they are to come, will come if the contemplation this kind of flash can put you in draws you in that direction. If it doesn't, then you're not crying because you don't -need- to cry at the moment. I could sit here and think on this subject for hours, and I'd probably have a few very good sob sessions. Emotionality is in the heart of the beholder, after all. :-)